Subhead to go here. 

Mission Statement:

The purpose of this organization is to meet on a regular basis as a group to exchange business leads and referrals exclusively among the members of the organization for the benefit of those members and the businesses they represent.


  1. Each member shall be assigned a classification based upon his/her principle line of business. This classification shall be his/hers exclusively. No new member/s shall be admitted to the organization from a line of business or into a classification which will conflict with that of an existing member. No existing member shall be allowed to change or amend their classification when it directly or indirectly conflicts with that of an existing member. 
  2. Members changing occupation or employment must notify the president within 30 days of the change. A designated member of the board of directors shall be appointed by the board as the membership director. This member shall mediate and act as a liaison between any member who wishes to change his/her classification and the general membership. Any member wishing to change classification that is already occupied must have prior approval of the active member currently holding that classification, in addition to receiving approval from the president. If the classification is not approved the member shall terminate.
  3. Members shall represent their classifications only. Information learned as a result of Namefinders shall remain confidential and shall be used only in direct relationship to the individuals’ classification and business. Information obtained as a direct result of any members relationship with Namefinders that is found to have been shared with organizations, persons, or other businesses not affiliated with Namefinders may result in that members termination from the organization as deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors and a 50% majority membership vote.
  4. A Member may propose prospects for membership to fill classifications currently vacant. Vacant classifications are to be determined by the general membership and shall be decided on by the board where needed. Proposed guests shall submit the Introductory Membership Application in writing to the membership director and be reviewed with the president. After it is determined by the president there is no conflict, the applicant is to attend the next available meeting as a guest. The membership director shall obtain a Membership Form from the perspective member prior to the conclusion of the first meeting attended by the prospective member. The general membership shall subsequently consider the suitability of the prospective member.
  5. Prospective members shall attend their first meeting as a guest without obligation. The prospective member shall not attend the next meeting. The general membership shall vote, based on majority, on the acceptance of the prospected member. The sponsoring member shall be responsible for notifying the prospective member of approval or denial. In the event of a tie or conflict the board of directors shall vote. By majority for acceptance or denial.
  6. New members shall attend for 90 days minimum prior to speaking. Dues shall be paid in full pro-rated to the end of the year at the time of acceptance. 
  7. Meetings shall be held bi-weekly on Friday mornings at 7:30 A.M. at a designated meeting place or at the speakers’ place of business.
  8. Regular attendance at the meetings is required. A member missing 3 meetings in a row without a valid excuse shall be reviewed by the board and may be terminated. Valid excuses are travel, illness, emergencies or unchangeable business arrangements. Members missing more than 4 meetings in any given quarter shall be reviewed by the board of directors for termination of membership.
  9. Dues shall be payable annually and shall be based on the consensus of the board of directors. Dues shall be assessed to all members in attendance or not. Dues shall be allocated to cover any and all expenses incurred by NAMEFINDERS as a group. This may include supplies, materials, meetings or board meetings. In addition, subsequent surpluses shall be utilized for organized social functions approved by the general membership annually by the treasurer or upon request. Funds collected shall be deposited in a financial institution as selected by the board of directors. Withdrawal of funds by check or other means shall require the signature of the treasurer. The board of directors shall act in a fiduciary capacity with regard to these funds.
  10. Members are encouraged to patronize the business of fellow members. This will provide familiarity with fellow members. All members are encouraged to develop relationships with other individual members outside of the regular meetings. This should include exchanging referrals and leads where appropriate.
  11. The board of directors shall consist of a President who shall serve two full years from election and shall be responsible for direction the meetings and shall oversee all functions regarding the group in general. In addition, the President shall be the final decision maker for issues unrelated to general membership or board of director votes. A Vice President who shall serve two full years from election and act in the absence of the president. A Treasurer who shall serve two full years from election. A Secretary and a final board member shall serve one full year from election. The board shall appoint a membership director who may be any director other than the president. The general membership shall vote on all director positions with a private majority vote to be held on the last meeting every June. A Director may be re-elected. The Board shall hold a meeting semi-annually or by special request by any member.
  12. All members are expected to represent themselves and their businesses professionally and courteously. Conduct deemed detrimental to the organization may result in action by the Board of Directors. Actions by the board shall be based on case by case situations.
  13. All members are expected to abide by these By-Laws.
  14. These By-Laws may be amended by a majority vote by the Board of Directors only.

Final comment from the Board of Directors: It is expected that it will take some amount of time for new members to become acclimated to the group. Conversely, existing members may take some time to become comfortable with new members. During this time, referrals may not be plentiful. Only by becoming involved and getting to know the general membership will the mutual trust develop? Members are encouraged to visit the businesses of other members and to engage in lunch and other social activities in order to advance the relationships of all members. 

Rev 11/2008